Fastener Warehouse Ltd

1010 Kearns Cres GD Stn Main, Regina, SK S4P 2Z4

Fastener Warehouse Ltd. began business in March 1994 with owners Bob and Kim Weimer. The company started with 1800 sq ft of warehouse space, half of which was rented out for storage.Rapid growth was experienced early on and by the year 2000 we would have our own 10,000 sq ft facility built.Since our move in 2000 we have added two more expansions bringing the total main branch warehouse to 60,000 sq ft.Now we staff over 40 experienced and knowledgeable employees to maintain the high level of service our customers have come to know and expect.

Fastener Warehouse Ltd - 1010 Kearns Cres GD Stn Main, Regina SK

Installée au 1010 Kearns Cres GD Stn Main à Regina, Fastener Warehouse Ltd est un commerce qui fait partie de la rubrique attaches de

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Pour plus de détails, veuillez nous contacter au 306-352-1199.