Fédération Owen Inc

900 Rue Baseley, Dégelis, QC

Welcome to the CFUW Owen Sound WELCOME BACK TO 1ST FALL MEETINGTUES SEPT 9*PLANS FOR THE UPCOMING YEAR*HEAR THE NATIONAL AGM******CHECK OUT THE LEFT SIDEBARFOR(FILL OUT AND BRING TO SEPT 9TH MEETING)*NEW MEMBERS INFO FORM SIGN IN WITH PASSWORD TO SEE MEMBERSHIP LIST Second Tuesday of every month at 7:00pmstarting in September. DEDICATED TO ENLIGHTENMENT, ENGAGEMENTAND ENERGETIC LIVING CFUW is a voluntary nongovernment, nonpartisan organization founded in 1919. CFUW members are committed to the pursuit of knowledge, the promotion of education, the improvement of the status of women and the advancement of human rights. Membership in CFUW/FCFDU is open to any woman who is resident of Canada and has earned a degree or diploma or equivalent qualification; or has earned a professional designation or qualification that currently requires a degree or diploma and to any woman who supports the goals and values of CFUW.CFUW Owen Sound and Area is one of 130 Clubs in Canada. We provide opportunities for fellowship for 62 members.

Fédération Owen Inc - 900 Rue Baseley, Dégelis QC

Ayant pignon sur rue au 900 Rue Baseley dans la ville de Dégelis, Québec, Fédération Owen Inc est une entreprise dans la section associations, clubs & organismes du site Canpages.ca.

Appelez au 418-853-6822 pour rejoindre Fédération Owen Inc, qui est une compagnie se trouvant à proximité.

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Pour plus de détails, veuillez nous contacter au 418-853-6822.