6 Wildwood Avenue, Richmond Hill, ON L4C 3B3

Stone King Interlocking & Design is a small company known for it's commitment to excellence and appreciation for high quality products. We specialize in stone work throughout the Greater Toronto area and have over 10 years of interlock experience and design knowledge. We are a recognized installer of premier interlocking paving stones.Whether you wish to replace a driveway, create a walkway, build a patio or pool deck, need stairs, a border or a retaining wall, our large variety of natural stones and pavers will provide you with the best selection to meet your needs.We encourage you to contact us. With your own ideas, together with our innovative design experience and team of professionals we will create an outdoor oasis that reflects your own personal style. - 6 Wildwood Avenue, Richmond Hill ON

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Pour plus de détails, veuillez nous contacter au 416-712-5286.

Produits et services

  • retaining walls