Renascent Fellowship & Renascent Foundation

38 Isabella St, Toronto, ON M4Y 1N1

Renascent is Canada's leading alcohol and drug treatment centre and is ready to help you, someone you care about or an employee. Renascent's Complete Care program offers the best opportunity for lasting recovery from alcoholism and drug addiction. Since 1970, more than 40,000 people have participated in Renascent's residential treatment program. Our treatment centres in the Greater Toronto Area offer intensive, short-term treatment while our distant delivery treatment and recovery programs allow clients living in Halifax, Vancouver, Calgary, Montreal and anywhere else in Canada to participate in Renascent's aftercare. Our alcoholism and drug addiction programs offer the shortest wait times in Canada.

Renascent Fellowship & Renascent Foundation - 38 Isabella St, Toronto ON

Installée au 38 Isabella St dans la ville de Toronto, Ontario, Renascent Fellowship & Renascent Foundation est une entreprise dans la catégorie toxicomanie - information & traitement du site

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Pour plus de détails, veuillez nous contacter au 416-927-7649.