Ola Daycare

2096 Dundas St W, Toronto, ON M6R 1W9

Ola Day Care is a New Licensed Establishment conveniently located within walking distance to the subway and in the heart of Roncy. Our staff is committed to providing and guiding the children to develop to their full potential. We, at Ola Day Care, believe that the first five years of a child's life are the most important and the developments during these years are essential for future success.We are committed to providing high quality care in an educational environment; exposing the children to a stimulating curriculum and allowing them to develop at their own pace. Our curriculum includes child-directed activities such as exploration, sensory play, science, literacy, cognitive development, and small and large motor activities. Our program emphasizes the need to achieve the child's learning experience through play. All of our activities are developed from this basic philosophy. The Piaget's theory methods encourage this idea: Children learn by observing what happens when they interact with materials and other people.

Ola Daycare - 2096 Dundas St W, Toronto ON

Ayant pignon sur rue au 2096 Dundas St W à Toronto, Ola Daycare est une entreprise locale qui fait partie de la catégorie garderies d'enfants de Canpages.

Composez le 416-519-9539 pour communiquer avec Ola Daycare, qui est une entreprise située à proximité.

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Heures d’ouverture

Pour plus de détails, veuillez nous contacter au 416-519-9539.