Mclean Foundation The

2 St Clair Ave W, Toronto, ON M4V 1L5

The McLean Foundation was established in 1945 by the late Mr. J. S. McLean with an initial gift of $505,400. Mr. McLean made additional gifts from time to time until his death on September 1st, 1954. These gifts, augmented by a bequest under his will, totalled $1,301,000.Mrs. J. S. McLean also made gifts and bequests to the Foundation, to a total value of approximately $450,000. Mr. and Mrs. McLean's children, Mr. William F. McLean and Mrs. Mary F. Stewart, made bequests to the Foundation in their wills in 2001 and 2009 respectively.

Mclean Foundation The - 2 St Clair Ave W, Toronto ON

Située au 2 St Clair Ave W dans la ville de Toronto, Ontario, Mclean Foundation The est un marchand dans la section associations, clubs & organismes du répertoire en ligne

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Produits et services

  • foundations-charitable, educational, research, etc.