Love Energy Consultants

34 King St E, Toronto, ON M5C 2X8

Peter Love named to Canada's 2014 Clean50 / 11:36 PM, October 7, 2013(Toronto, ON, September 19, 2013) Peter Love has been named to Canada's 2014 Clean50. Peter is honoured in the category: Traditional Energy Generation & Retailers. Peter is a 'lifer' when it comes to electrifying the push to greater energy efficiency and is a leading advocate for a culture of conservation. He currently is President of the Energy Services Association of Canada, which advocates performance-based solutions to major energy efficiency retrofits. As Adjunct Professor at York University's Faculty of Environmental Studies, he has developed and teaches senior level courses on energy and environmental policy. In his previous role as Ontario's first Chief Energy Conservation Officer, Peter was a leading advocate for energy conservation across the Province and played a key role ...Energy Services Association of Canada / 3:42 PM, December 23, 2010Eight leading energy services companies have joined together to create a new advocacy organization to promote greater use of performance based solutions to implement enery efficiency, renewable energy and infrastructure renewal projects.

Love Energy Consultants - 34 King St E, Toronto ON

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