Guided Balance Hypnotherapy & HypnoBirthingMongan Method

214 Erie St, St Thomas, ON N5R 2N9

I am proud to say that I did my initial HypnoBirthing training under the founder of the HypnoBirthing program Marie Mongan. I have been a Hypnotherapist since 2005 and have had an active practise here in St.Thomas Ontario since 2006. My home web site is and more about services that I offer can be found there I must admit that after I learned about HypnoBirthing I went through a brief grieving period over my own births. I birthed my sons very young and wasn't aware that women ARE qualified to give birth. I was in awe while watching all the videos of how HypnoBirthing is done. I thought that birth was a messy painful rite of passage that was best done with drugs and that we all had to go through it in order to bring new life into the world. I was so wrong.

Guided Balance Hypnotherapy & HypnoBirthingMongan Method - 214 Erie St, St Thomas ON

Ayant pignon sur rue au 214 Erie St à St Thomas, Guided Balance Hypnotherapy & HypnoBirthingMongan Method est une entreprise locale qui fait partie de la catégorie hypnothérapie de Canpages.

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Heures d’ouverture

Pour plus de détails, veuillez nous contacter au 519-633-7380.

Produits et services

  • naturopathic medicine
