Gemma Communications Inc

700 Lawrence Ave W, North York, ON M6A 3B4

We are not followers. We are not a faceless, distant call centre with no personal connection to our clients.We are not an organization that aggressively advertises ourselves. We have grown to one of the largest Canadian-owned call centres by establishing long-lasting relationships and word-of-mouth referrals. Our success lies with our clients, and we never forget it.We were born in 1999 and have evolved into Canada's foremost sales-focused, PCI compliant call centre. We use the latest technology and pioneer new levels of quality assurance for our clients.We get proven results. How? Unlike our competitors, we are experts in sales-focused customer service specializing in inbound and outbound sales. That means that beyond serving the traditional customer needs, we actively promote and expand our clients' businesses. Think of our call centre as your company's profit centre.

Gemma Communications Inc - 700 Lawrence Ave W, North York ON

Ayant pignon sur rue au 700 Lawrence Ave W dans la ville de North York, Ontario, Gemma Communications Inc est un marchand qui fait partie de la rubrique centres d'appels du répertoire en ligne

Composez le 416-783-6901 pour rejoindre Gemma Communications Inc, qui est une entreprise se trouvant à proximité.

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Heures d’ouverture

Pour plus de détails, veuillez nous contacter au 416-783-6901.
