Pounds of Plastic Inc

11-16 Falconer Dr, Mississauga, ON L5N 3M1

Pounds of Plastic Inc. is a value added reseller of engineering plastic resins providing technical expertise in developing custom products and in providing processing assistance.Pounds of Plastic was incorporated in 2001 from a proprietorship founded by Richard Pounds in 1997. Richard believed that the moulding industry in southern Ontario was not being well serviced by US based suppliers, particularly for nylon compounds. Since then, Pounds of Plastic has become valued for its high level of technical expertise both to develop custom products and to troubleshoot processing problems. Pounds of Plastic now services processors across north America.

Pounds of Plastic Inc - 11-16 Falconer Dr, Mississauga ON

Installée au 11-16 Falconer Dr dans la ville de Mississauga, Ontario, Pounds of Plastic Inc est une entreprise qui fait partie de la rubrique plastique-recherche & conseils du site Canpages.ca.

Appelez au 905-286-9894 pour rejoindre Pounds of Plastic Inc, qui est une entreprise se trouvant à proximité.

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Heures d’ouverture

Pour plus de détails, veuillez nous contacter au 905-286-9894.

Produits et services

  • pvc