Cardiogenics Inc

6295 Northam Dr, Mississauga, ON L4V 1W8

CardioGenics is dedicated to develop more sensitive diagnostic test products to the IVD market. CardioGenics has started several developmental processes aimed to achieve its objective 'to create, develop and commercialize superior, innovative, cost-effective and patent-protected products for the IVD based on proprietary technologies'.CardioGenics' operating philosophy is that 'better diagnosis enhances the healthcare professionals' ability to provide better patient management which saves lives and reduces healthcare costs'. Fulfilling unmet clinical testing needs is the driving force behind CardioGenics' innovations.

Cardiogenics Inc - 6295 Northam Dr, Mississauga ON

Située au 6295 Northam Dr dans la ville de Mississauga, Ontario, Cardiogenics Inc est un marchand dans la catégorie laboratoires de recherche & de mise au point du répertoire en ligne

Appelez au 905-673-9865 pour rejoindre Cardiogenics Inc, qui est une compagnie se trouvant à proximité.

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Heures d’ouverture

Pour plus de détails, veuillez nous contacter au 905-673-9865.

Produits et services

  • research