Bennington Limousine

6215 Kennedy Rd, Mississauga, ON L5T 2S8

Bennington specializes in making your trips seamless. With our 24 hour in-house reservations and dispatch team, you can rest easy knowing that all your trip details are being handled by our team of dedicated professionals.You can also take advantage of our state-of- the-art online reservation system. It's as easy as clicking on the Reservations button and entering your information. You will receive an automatic e-mail conformation after you have completed your reservation. You will also receive a 24 hr confirmation prior to your trip to ensure you receive the same level of customer satisfaction you've come to expect... That's the Bennington Advantage!

Bennington Limousine - 6215 Kennedy Rd, Mississauga ON

Installée au 6215 Kennedy Rd dans la ville de Mississauga, Ontario, Bennington Limousine est une entreprise dans la catégorie aéroports - services de transport du site

Téléphonez au 905-670-5466 pour rejoindre Bennington Limousine, qui est une compagnie se trouvant à proximité.

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Heures d’ouverture

Pour plus de détails, veuillez nous contacter au 905-670-5466.