TBS Software Inc

8300 Woodbine Ave, Markham, ON L3R 9Y7

Established in 1986, TBS Software has achieved a worldwide reputation for quality products and support services. We've been an IBM/Lotus Business Partner since 1989, and we're now the worldwide distributor and support organization for the Office Systems products developed by Icom Solutions.In addition to our product line, we have years of experience working with legacy systems such as MVS, CICS, SNADS, DISOSS, Soft*Switch and OfficeVision/MVS ranging from low-level s/390 Assembler coding to the latest in C++ and JAVA. . In the PC and client server areas, we have developed code for Microsoft Exchange, Lotus Domino servers and Notes clients in Windows and OS/390 (and z/OS) Unix System Services environments. Our consulting services can help you bridge the information gap from your legacy system to e-business.

TBS Software Inc - 8300 Woodbine Ave, Markham ON

Installée au 8300 Woodbine Ave à Markham, TBS Software Inc est un commerce dans la catégorie électronique - équipement & fournitures - réparation de Canpages.ca.

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Pour plus de détails, veuillez nous contacter au 905-940-9373.