North Country Movers


Movers for the long haul, movers for the short tripyour movers in Haliburton / Minden area are North Country Movers. Whether you're moving across town or across country, call North Country Movers - centrally located in Haliburton. We are fully insured and provide free estimates. A moving company offering service to both residential and commercial sectors. When you're looking at different moving companies, find out what makes North Country different. Give us a call today! Make us your choice for a mover in Haliburton, Ontario, or across Canada. If you require inventory to be moved, or your home - North Country Movers offers both experience and professionalism. We're your house mover and business mover in Haliburton, Ontario and Canada...anywhere you need to go, call North Country Movers, centrally located in Haliburton.

North Country Movers - ON

North Country Movers est un commerce qui fait partie de la rubrique déménageurs de

Appelez au 705-455-2444 pour communiquer avec North Country Movers, qui est une entreprise située à proximité.

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Heures d’ouverture

Pour plus de détails, veuillez nous contacter au 705-455-2444.
