North Etobicoke Children Clinic

40 Westmore Dr, Etobicoke, ON M9V 4C2

Accurate and up to date health card information is a must when you visit our clinic. A fee of $75 will be charged for invalid health cards. This fee is refundable if you provide us with a valid health card number within 2 weeks. Please notify our staff of changes to address and phone numbers.We do not release any information over the phone to you or any one unless authorized by a physician.A 24 hour notice is requested for a cancellation. If we are notified in advance of your inability to fulfill your appointment, we can allocate that appointment to another family. If missing your appointment without notice becomes a pattern, we may not be able to accommodate you for future appointments. You may be charged a fee as well.You are welcome to book two appointments for checkups for any given day.

North Etobicoke Children Clinic - 40 Westmore Dr, Etobicoke ON

Située au 40 Westmore Dr dans la ville de Etobicoke, Ontario, North Etobicoke Children Clinic est une entreprise dans la catégorie enfants - services & activités du site

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Heures d’ouverture

Pour plus de détails, veuillez nous contacter au 416-745-4050.