Antech Electric Ltd


Our philosphy is that success comes from serving others.That's why we staff our office with concerned call takers who are ready to put you first and schedule an appointment at your convenience. We employ the best trained electricians so that you'll be more than satisfied with your service experience and you will never have to worry about the quality of person that is in your home.We know you value your property so we will respect it and keep our work area clean and free of hazards. We'll give you a UPFRONT PRICING before we begin the work, so that you can relax and get on with your life.

Antech Electric Ltd - ON

Antech Electric Ltd est un commerce dans la catégorie électricité - entrepreneurs de

Téléphonez au 905-660-1384 pour communiquer avec Antech Electric Ltd, qui est une compagnie située à proximité.

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Heures d’ouverture

Pour plus de détails, veuillez nous contacter au 905-660-1384.