Silk Stevens Ltd

18 High St, Grand Falls-Windsor, NL A2A 1C6

Silk Stevens Limited is a professional engineering and business consulting company specializing in environmental protection and management, energy utilization and efficiency, regulatory compliance, facility permitting, and mechanical/civil design. We serve a wide range of public and private clients, including industry and government agencies that are faced with challenges that demand expertise, strategic planning, and practical solutions. I take the vision which comes from dreams and apply the magic of science and mathematics adding the heritage of my profession and my knowledge of nature's materials to create a design. I organize the efforts and skills of my fellow workers employing the capital of the thrifty and the products of many industries, and together we work toward our goal undaunted by hazards and obstacles. And when we have completed our task all can see that the dreams and plans have materialized for the comfort and welfare of all. I am an Engineer I serve mankind by making dreams come true

Silk Stevens Ltd - 18 High St, Grand Falls-Windsor NL

Installée au 18 High St à Grand Falls-Windsor, Silk Stevens Ltd est un commerce qui fait partie de la rubrique génie - automatisation de

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Pour plus de détails, veuillez nous contacter au 709-489-2900.