Soul Haven Massage

2-430 River Ave, Winnipeg, MB R3L 0C6

TherapistErica Lo, RMT, CPMT, CIMT has been practicing massage therapy since 2002. She graduated from the Wellington College of Remedial Massage Therapy in Winnipeg, Manitob,a and is a member with the Massage Therapy Association of Manitoba (MTAM). Her passion has always been to help others live a healthy lifestyle through her work.After nearly four years of refining her skills within various spa settings, she opened up Soul Haven in 2006 in the trendy and densely populated area of Osborne Village. Erica also completed her certification in Healing Stone Massage, Infant Massage Teaching, Pediatric Massage, and Touch Therapy for Children with Autism (ASD). She has been successful in treating patients with all sorts of ailments from stress relief to post trauma care. After five successful years of building her massage therapy status in The Village, she decided to move her practice into a smaller office around the corner, focusing more on a therapeutic approach, while still in a relaxing, clinical setting.In her years of experience, Erica has found that she thoroughly enjoys pre/post natal care, and has spent much of her availability accommodating to these patients.

Soul Haven Massage - 2-430 River Ave, Winnipeg MB

Située au 2-430 River Ave à Winnipeg, Soul Haven Massage est un commerce qui fait partie de la rubrique massage - thérapeutes enr de

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Heures d’ouverture

Pour plus de détails, veuillez nous contacter au 204-284-0835.

Produits et services

  • massage therapist