Merit Motion Pictures Inc

248 Princess St, Winnipeg, MB R3B 1M2

FilmographyOUR STRENGTH IS EXCELLENCE.Founded 25 years ago by industry veteran Merit Jensen Carr, Merit Motion Pictures (MMP) leads the field in multi-platform, factual entertainment in Canada. A sought-after co-producer on the national and international scene, our productions have won critical acclaim abroad and achieved among the highest audience ratings in Canada. A regular and valued co-producer for CBC's human interest and science/nature documentary strands, Doc Zone and The Nature of Things, Merit Motion Pictures is renowned for its seasoned production team, world-class crews, convivial atmosphere and access to the best tax credit programs in Canada. The company has collaborated with broadcasters as diverse as ZDF/ARTE, CBC, CTV, Shaw, National Geographic International, PBS, The Science Channel and Super Channel. OUR PASSION IS STORYTELLING.Whether exploring the deep se,a the psychology of cheaters, the behaviour of plants or the brains of teenagers, our goal is to entertain, inspire and inform with amazing stories that challenge audiences to see themselves and the world in a new way.

Merit Motion Pictures Inc - 248 Princess St, Winnipeg MB

Installée au 248 Princess St à Winnipeg, Merit Motion Pictures Inc est un commerce qui fait partie de la rubrique films - producteurs & studios de

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Pour plus de détails, veuillez nous contacter au 204-775-4092.