Huron Child Care Inc

1120 McPhillips St, Winnipeg, MB R2X 2L3

At Huron, we have a team of 22 professional, dedicated and compassionate full-time staff who strive to make Huron a happy place to be and provide excellent opportunities for children to learn and grow at their own pace as individuals.We believe in Emergent Curriculum. Children learn through play. Caregivers plan activities based on the interests of the children. Children in our centre also gain valuable learning experiences by going on field trips throughout the year.Our children enjoy a spacious 8000 sq. ft. air conditioned facility that has large windows to provide lots of sunlight.Each room is equipped with a fridge and a microwave. Each room has a variety of educational toys and play equipment.We have three well developed play areas outside. Each area is unique and is equipped to offer play activities for various age levels and interests. There is also a gymnasium in the basement where children get a lot of physical activity all year round, especially on those cold Manitoba winter days when you are forced to stay indoors

Huron Child Care Inc - 1120 McPhillips St, Winnipeg MB

Située au 1120 McPhillips St dans la ville de Winnipeg, Manitoba, Huron Child Care Inc est une entreprise dans la catégorie garderies d'enfants du site

Appelez au 204-582-0743 pour rejoindre Huron Child Care Inc, qui est une compagnie se trouvant à proximité.

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Heures d’ouverture

Pour plus de détails, veuillez nous contacter au 204-582-0743.

Produits et services

  • child care