Clayman Pharmacy

1-1099 Kingsbury Ave, Winnipeg, MB R2P 2P9

Tradition of Reliable and Affordable ServiceFrom 1933 until today, our goal has always been to offer our patients reliable and affordable service. As a community pharmacy we strive to provide all the services that our patients need.Initially serving patients in the Montreal are,a we have expanded our services to help thousands of satisfied patients throughout Canad,a the US,a Europe and Asia.Today our patients have the option of placing their order in person, by phone or fax, supported with reliable and quick delivery service.No matter where in the world our patients live, they can always rely on sound pharmaceutical advice, the most affordable pricing and the highest level of service.

Clayman Pharmacy - 1-1099 Kingsbury Ave, Winnipeg MB

Installée au 1-1099 Kingsbury Ave dans la ville de Winnipeg, Manitoba, Clayman Pharmacy est un marchand dans la section produits de soins de la santé du répertoire en ligne

Téléphonez au 204-261-4214 pour rejoindre Clayman Pharmacy, qui est une compagnie se trouvant à proximité.

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Heures d’ouverture

Pour plus de détails, veuillez nous contacter au 204-261-4214.

Produits et services

  • pharmacies services