Parkview Seniors Housing Co-op

1321 13th St, Brandon, MB R7A 4S5

AnnouncementsPlease note the changes below as of Friday August 29Welcome to the 2014-15 school year. I am posting two updates for you- one about our staff and one about construction.1. If you've been by the school you will know that the addition is not complete. The renovation for the kindergarten classrooms is done. We expect the renovation to be move-in ready in early October. In the meantime:the grade 4/5 French Immersion class will be taught in the computer labthe 5/6 French Immersion class will be in the basement.The before and after school daycare for the older children will continue to be in the basement.Aline Deschenes' grade 4 and Mme. Addis' grade 2/3 classes will remain in the portables until the new rooms are ready.We will continue to modify our entrances and exits as well as yard access as we did in June.2. We have a number of teachers on leave next year and most of the replacements are in place. A complete list of all staff will be posted in the first newsletter. In the meantime here's a list of staff and classroom locations:Clas

Parkview Seniors Housing Co-op - 1321 13th St, Brandon MB

Installée au 1321 13th St dans la ville de Brandon, Manitoba, Parkview Seniors Housing Co-op est un marchand dans la section coopérative d'habitation du répertoire en ligne

Composez le 204-727-6209 pour rejoindre Parkview Seniors Housing Co-op, qui est une compagnie se trouvant à proximité.

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Pour plus de détails, veuillez nous contacter au 204-727-6209.