Rubina Kurji Dr

101-1226 Hamilton St, Vancouver, BC V6B 2S8

They can be categorized under chemical stress, physical stress and emotional stress. Physical stress such as sitting at a desk for long hours, lack of exercise and improper footwear have now become a part of our existence. Not consuming a balanced diet, too much caffeine, sugar and alchohol. Too little water, eating refined foods are examples of chemical stress. Emotional stress surround us every day. How do we process our world. i.e deadlines, marraige, children, balancing our lives. These stressors affect the balance of our nervous system and lead to symptoms.Chiropractic care works with the nervous system to '' re-set'' the imbalance. once balance is achieved, the symptoms may go away.

Rubina Kurji Dr - 101-1226 Hamilton St, Vancouver BC

Ayant pignon sur rue au 101-1226 Hamilton St à Vancouver, Rubina Kurji Dr est un commerce qui fait partie de la rubrique médecins & chirurgiens de

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