Get Tidy

2323 Boundary Rd, Vancouver, BC V5M 4V8

we're ready to make your place the cleanest it's ever been! Do you remember how exciting it was to move into your place when it was new, fresh, and clean? Let's see if we can help you reinvigorate that feeling. A clean home is a happy one and a clean office is a productive one. By enlisting our services, you're not only getting a new lease on your place, but you're also removing potentially dangerous or allergy-inducing elements.Clean outsSold your home, need a thorough clean? we specialise in clean outs.window cleaningWe have window-cleaning solutions for every kind of building.deep house cleaningWéll use some elbow grease to make everything right as servicesA clean office helps promote a healthy, productive work environment.commercial cleaningClean businesses attract customers - and they're healthier for your employees!residential cleaningChoose from once-a-year cleaning or weekly maintenance.more services availableare you ready to experience clean?

Get Tidy - 2323 Boundary Rd, Vancouver BC

Installée au 2323 Boundary Rd à Vancouver, Get Tidy est un commerce qui fait partie de la rubrique entrepreneurs - entretien de

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Pour plus de détails, veuillez nous contacter au 604-836-8439.