Sooke Crisis & Referral Centre


THE SOOKE SALMON ENHANCEMENT SOCIETYIS A 100% VOLUNTEER ORGANISATION The Society's fundamental function, through the efforts of it's many volunteers, some funding from DFO, occasional grants from the Pacific Salmon Foundation and support from the general public, is to maintain and operate the Jack Brooks Hatchery (founded by the late Mr. Jack Brooks). The hatchery raises and releases many thousands of natural salmon into local spawning streams from where they migrate into the Strait of Juan de Fuca and thence to the open Pacific Ocean. They return to spawn in local waters, thus ensuring the survival of a most precious asset the wild Pacific Salmon! To continue this work the Society has a major fund raising event our annual fishing derby in August and several public awareness functions throughout the year.This web site highlights the Society's work in conservation and enhancement of local indigenous Salmon populations.So please have a look through our site and see for yourself what we do and who we are

Sooke Crisis & Referral Centre - BC

Sooke Crisis & Referral Centre est une entreprise qui fait partie de la rubrique centres de détresse du site

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