Sanyou Electrical Appliances

2140-11980 Hammersmith Way, Richmond, BC V7A 0A4

Headquartered in Shenzhen, Sanyou has recently established a branch office in Richmond B.C. responsible for serving the North American market. Our location in the city, a gateway between China and North America, enables us to provide service unparalleled in the relay-manufacture industry. We inventory all our best-selling products, so chances are we'll have the products you need, and be able to deliver them to you quickly- and no more waiting for orders to be shipped in from overseas. Besides our ability to expedite delivery of products and samples, we have cut wait-times for quotes on our products and services, most being supplied within 24-hours of request.

Sanyou Electrical Appliances - 2140-11980 Hammersmith Way, Richmond BC

Installée au 2140-11980 Hammersmith Way à Richmond, Sanyou Electrical Appliances est une entreprise locale qui fait partie de la catégorie appareils électroménagers - détaillants de Canpages.

Composez le 604-276-8648 pour communiquer avec Sanyou Electrical Appliances, qui est une entreprise située à proximité.

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Heures d’ouverture

Pour plus de détails, veuillez nous contacter au 604-276-8648.