Dalimar Instruments Inc


For over 25 years, Dalimar Instruments Inc. has offered cutting-edge products and service in the area of acoustic and vibration testing equipment, sensors and data collection. We cater to a wide range of customers and applications where accelerometers & transducers are needed, as well as calibration services for all types of equipment used in the testing of electric motors and human / system vibration levels, as well as sound level and pressure testing. Headquartered in Vaudreuil, QC, Dalimar has expanded over the years, opening offices in Richmond Hill ON, as well as in Calgary, AB and Victoria BC. We are always exploring options to better serve the expansive territory we serve, that being the great country of Canada. Founded in 1986 by Yvon Larose, Dalimar has always been a family-run business, in which Lise, Daniel and Marc Larose all made key contributions

Dalimar Instruments Inc - BC

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