EggSolutions Epic Inc


Egg Processing Innovations Cooperative (EPIC) is a group of passionate and progressive Alberta based egg producers working together to meet the growing demand of hormone free, cage-free eggs. These eggs are handled in a way that traceability is possible and custom processing is available. EPIC is a response by the United Egg Farmers (UEF) to give its members the opportunity to participate directly in the changes in the marketplace. Working directly with the end user will provide UEF and its members the ability to be in front of industrial demands, shaping their industry to fit the ongoing needs of the marketplace. With a disciplined approach to product development and by partnering with manufacturers looking for stable, long-term supply partnership, EPIC will be able to expand its business beyond the farm gate.

EggSolutions Epic Inc - AB

EggSolutions Epic Inc est un commerce qui fait partie de la rubrique produits alimentaires - détaillants de

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Pour plus de détails, veuillez nous contacter au 403-394-7756.