Cornerstone Community Church

7120 109 St NW, Edmonton, AB T6G 1B8

Our church is a growing Community of chiristians who seek to reach out to our Community with the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ It is also a family of believers who seek to foster genuine fellowship with one another through Christ We strive to be a light to those who are seeking truth in a world without integrity, hope in a world that offers despair, and peace in a society in upheaval. We are an assembly of sinners saved by His grace, who now are set apart to God for His purposes. We hope that you would consider this as your spiritual home where you can leam of God's grace. if there is any way that we can serve you, it would be a privilege to minister to you, as our spiritual service of worship to the Lord.

Cornerstone Community Church - 7120 109 St NW, Edmonton AB

Installée au 7120 109 St NW à Edmonton, Cornerstone Community Church est une entreprise locale qui fait partie de la rubrique organisations religieuses de Canpages.

Composez le 780-438-5186 pour communiquer avec Cornerstone Community Church, qui est une entreprise située à proximité.

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Heures d’ouverture

Pour plus de détails, veuillez nous contacter au 780-438-5186.