Discovery Toys


Discovery Toys, a trusted brand for over 35 years, specializes in premium quality, kid-powered learning products for newborns through school aged children. The company began when an early childhood educator first brought together a group of dedicated teachers, mothers and parents to take on the important topic of education for children through play. Selling to groups of eager parents in the home, Discovery Toys, the network marketing / direct sales company, was born. Today, we continue in that tradition as the foremost direct selling company in the category

Discovery Toys - AB

Discovery Toys est une entreprise locale dans la section jouets - détaillants de Canpages.

Téléphonez au 403-819-0483 pour communiquer avec Discovery Toys, qui est une compagnie située à proximité.

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Heures d’ouverture

Pour plus de détails, veuillez nous contacter au 403-819-0483.