Cambridge Muslim Society

282 Elgin St N, Cambridge, ON N1R 7H9

And say: My Lord! Increase me in knowledge' The Qu'ran 20:114'And say: My Lord! Increase me in knowledge' The Qu'ran 20:114'And say: My Lord! Increase me in knowledge' The Qu'ran 20:114'And say: My Lord! Increase me in knowledge' The Qu'ran 20:114'And say: My Lord! Increase me in knowledge' The Qu'ran 20:114Welcome to the Cambridge Muslim Collegelatest NewsAppointment of Second Development OfficerMonday, 1 September 2014We welcome Davina Levy to the College staff, as Development Officer, joining Abdulaziz Brown. Davina is a graduate of the University of Cambridge, with a [...]Calligraphy Workshops at CMCMonday, 1 September 2014The Cambridge Muslim College is visited from time to time by world-class master calligrapher, Efdaluddin Kilic. Efdaluddin will again be offering three calligraphy workshops here, [...]Short course on Islamic Approaches to Psychology and Psychotherapy – FULLTuesday, 8 July 2014This course is now fully booked. The College is delighted to offer a taught, five-day residential course on Islamic Approaches to Psychology and Psychotherapy, with [...

Cambridge Muslim Society - 282 Elgin St N, Cambridge, ON

Located at 282 Elgin St N in Cambridge, Ontario, Cambridge Muslim Society is a company part of the associations, clubs & organizations category of Canpages website.

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