Jane Cayley & Associates Limited

22 Oaklands Ave, Toronto, ON M4V 2E5

Dr. Cayley's practice focuses on assisting organizations and their leaders in maximizing performance through effective leadership, senior team development and management of change. She does this through OD interventions related to organizational leadership strategy, performance management/coaching and team strategy – both structural and process related.Jane has a BSc from York University and an Ed.D. in Applied Psychology from the University of Toronto. She completed her MBA at the University of Toronto, Rotman School of Management in 2001.Before founding her own firm in 1998, Jane was a Director with Johnston Smith International in Toronto. She has more than twenty-five years of management consulting experience, principally in the fields of organizational development and leadership for clients in financial and professional services, resources, pharmaceuticals, manufacturing in Canada and the USA.

Jane Cayley & Associates Limited - 22 Oaklands Ave, Toronto ON

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