Camp Maryanne Resort

193 Camp Mary Anne Rd, Mindemoya, ON

Our resort is a rustic and comfortable place of residence for the kind of guests who appreciate getting back to nature and away from the rush of city life.'Camp Mary Anne has been in existance for more than one hundred years. Camp Mary Anne has been a mecca for families for generations. It offers solitude, exceptional boating, fishing, warmth and heritage.Do come and learn of our history and the history of Manitoulin. Even the road to it has been named Camp Mary Anne Road!Camp Mary Anne is normally open between mid-May and mid-October and most guests have returned year after year, making their annual stay a tradition.Camp Mary Anne is located at the end of a quiet peninsula of land. Most cabins are located virtually on the water. Each has it's own dock. The cabins are rustic and private. Reserve your cabin today!Manitoulin Island is 180 km long and the worlds largest freshwater island.

Camp Maryanne Resort - 193 Camp Mary Anne Rd, Mindemoya ON

Située au 193 Camp Mary Anne Rd à Mindemoya, Camp Maryanne Resort est un commerce qui fait partie de la rubrique touristes - logement de

Composez le 705-377-4972 pour communiquer avec Camp Maryanne Resort, qui est une entreprise située à proximité.

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Pour plus de détails, veuillez nous contacter au 705-377-4972.
