Harvest Pac Products Inc

22131 Bloomfield Rd, Chatham, ON N7M 5J6

Harvest-Pac believes that you must begin with a superior raw product if you expect the finished product to be one of the highest quality. All of the tomatoes and pumpkins are grown under our supervision on our family farms, one reason for the consistency of our product. Another, many of our employees have been employed with us for decades.Prior to entering the processing sector of the industry, Harvest-Pac Products Inc.'s principles, ''The O'Neills'' have had a long successful family history of producing vegetables in Ontario for three generations. Prior to and since entering the processing business in the early 90's, we feel we have established ourselves with credibility and stability.

Harvest Pac Products Inc - 22131 Bloomfield Rd, Chatham ON

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Pour plus de détails, veuillez nous contacter au 519-436-0446.