South Camp Inn

Resolute Bay, Resolute, NU X0A 0V0

We invite you to discover the beauty and history Resolute Bay has to offer. Enjoy an unforgettable High Arctic adventure while receiving excellent hospitality from me and my family at the South Camp Inn, your top class destination on Cornwallis Island. We take pride in catering to all your private and expedition needs and are so certain that you will enjoy staying with us that we guarantee a full refund, if you do not.

South Camp Inn - Resolute Bay, Resolute NU

Installée au Resolute Bay à Resolute, South Camp Inn est une entreprise locale qui fait partie de la catégorie villegiature - centres de Canpages.

Appelez au 867-252-3737 pour communiquer avec South Camp Inn, qui est une entreprise située à proximité.

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Heures d’ouverture

Pour plus de détails, veuillez nous contacter au 867-252-3737.