Bloomfield Baptist Church Inc

Bloomfield, Bloomfield Station, NB

The Ministry of Trustees is sponsoring the 2015 Stewardship Fundraising Campaign, Building for the Future, starting Sunday, September 28.  The focus of this annual pledge drive is asking the question: 'What percentage of our income is God calling us to give through Central Baptist Church; not what the church needs to receive.'  I hope you will join us on Sunday, September 28 for worship and a free meal to celebrate Fundraising Sunday.  Remember, this is a free meal  provided by the Ministry of Trustees, not a carry-in potluck dinner.  Please watch your mail box for a Fundraising Campaign booklet and instructions mailed on Monday, September 22, 2014.  Bring your completed Estimate of Giving pledge card to worship on Sunday, September 28, 2014.  We hope you will come!

Bloomfield Baptist Church Inc - Bloomfield, Bloomfield Station NB

Ayant pignon sur rue au Bloomfield dans la ville de Bloomfield Station, Nouveau-Brunswick, Bloomfield Baptist Church Inc est un marchand qui fait partie de la catégorie églises & autres lieux de culte du répertoire en ligne

Appelez au 506-832-4757 pour rejoindre Bloomfield Baptist Church Inc, qui est une compagnie se trouvant à proximité.

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Pour plus de détails, veuillez nous contacter au 506-832-4757.

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  • ministry