Tetro Soils


Tetro Soils & Landscaping opened in April 2004 Owner Bryan Tetreault started Tetro Soils &Landscaping after being a partner in a family soil bussiness for 12 years he diecided to go his own.His main focus for the bussiness was and still is Soil Supply and Leveling packages for customers who want to landscape their own yard but dont have a skid steer to spread the soil before installing their sod.Tetro Soils started with 1 rubber tracked skid steer and 1 dump truck offering this service to their customers and then grew to running 5 single and tandom axle dump trucks and 3 rubber tracked steers with the ablity to fit in the tightest places, their smallest skid steer is only 48'' wide which will fit in almost all new develpments in Winnipeg. In April 2007 Tetro Soils began offering residential soil and gravel deliveries and specialize in the 2 products 1 delivery most of there trucks have dividers so the customer will only pay the one delivery charge when ordering 2 smaller loads.In April 2009 Tetro Soils began selling soil in a large volume scale and they now supply several local landscapers with the soil they need to build their customers a beautiful yard (like the Tetro crew does for their customers.

Tetro Soils - MB

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