Seine River School Division

190 Houde Dr, Winnipeg, MB R3V 1C5

Parc La Salle School is a neighborhood school that is focused solely on the developing years from kindergarten to grade four. It is an English program for children in St. Norbert as well as in the surrounding areas. We have a student enrolment of 120 students and a dedicated staff of 6 classroom teachers, a resource teacher, a physical education teacher and part-time teachers in music and counseling. We have a wonderful team of 7 educational assistants to assist us in providing adaptive programming for any students who need it. We also have a secretary and a librarian and 2 custodians. The team works together to provide an active and inclusive program for all students. Academics play a vital role in every school and the teachers work diligently to implement the Manitoba Curriculum in Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, Science, Physical Education, Music, Health and French. We have an excellent rate of success in student achievement so that by the time the children leave Parc La Salle School, the majority of our students are reading at or above grade level

Seine River School Division - 190 Houde Dr, Winnipeg MB

Située au 190 Houde Dr dans la ville de Winnipeg, Manitoba, Seine River School Division est une entreprise dans la catégorie écoles & institutions primaires & secondaires du site

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Produits et services

  • education