Friends Housing Inc

890 Sturgeon Rd, Winnipeg, MB R2Y 0L2

Introduction Friends Housing Inc is a non- profit organization whose members are dedicated to providing clean, safe housing and daily living support assistance in Winnipeg for persons within our community either who have been diagnosed as having psychiatric illnesses and are in need of subsidized housing or persons within our community who have a modest income and are in need of subsidized housing. MissionFriends Housing Incorporated is a non-profit corporation whose members are dedicated to providing clean, safe housing and daily living support assistance in Winnipeg for persons within our community either who have been diagnosed as having psychiatric illnesses and are in need of subsidizes housing, or for persons within our community who have a modest income and are in need of subsidized housing.

Friends Housing Inc - 890 Sturgeon Rd, Winnipeg MB

Ayant pignon sur rue au 890 Sturgeon Rd à Winnipeg, Friends Housing Inc est une entreprise locale qui fait partie de la catégorie projets de logement de Canpages.

Téléphonez au 204-953-1160 pour communiquer avec Friends Housing Inc, qui est une entreprise située à proximité.

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Heures d’ouverture

Pour plus de détails, veuillez nous contacter au 204-953-1160.