Manitoba Families Of Multiples


Manitoba Families of MultiplesWelcome!If you live in Manitob,a and are expecting multiples or are parents of multiples, we encourage you to join Manitoba Families of Multiples. We have a wealth of information and of course we can introduce you to families experiencing the hectic day to day life that a multiple family encounters. Our organization is staffed by volunteers who provide many support services for our members. All our members are parents or guardians and expectant parents of twins, triplets, quadruplets and higher order multiples from all walks of life. We even have a few families with two sets of multiples!Manitoba Families of Multiples has many family events throughout the year. We hold monthly coffee mornings in the different areas of the city. We have a holiday-fest, new parents night and two sales a year; one in the fall and one in the spring, please see our public events area for further details. All these activities allow you to meet people in the same unique situation and offers a chance to learn from other parents that have been through the same milestones you face or are to face

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Pour plus de détails, veuillez nous contacter au 204-292-1303.