
11508 140 St NW, Edmonton, AB T5M 1S7

DesignSTAR is a growing graphic design company serving unique people like yourself and businesses across Canada. I strive to give my clients the most superior and cost efficient solutions in this vastly competitive market. I specialize in areas such as logo design, corporate identity design, branding, web design, print design (i.e. letterhead, business cards,posters, CD covers, book covers, etc.) I believe that quality is the one article of trade which cannot be compromised and this is clearly seen in my work, giving my clients the satisfaction they deserve.

Designstar - 11508 140 St NW, Edmonton AB

Installée au 11508 140 St NW à Edmonton, Designstar est un commerce qui fait partie de la catégorie affiches de

Composez le 780-708-3151 pour communiquer avec Designstar, qui est une entreprise située à proximité.

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Heures d’ouverture

Pour plus de détails, veuillez nous contacter au 780-708-3151.

Produits et services

  • design agencies